
  • Beads of Brilliance

    Gobstones and girls, nothing is ever simple. Harry is thrust into a swirling mess of issues that is anything but a child's game. HP/FD starts in Forth Year, slight AU.

  • Innuendo

    Harry gets an early taste of life as an Auror due to a work experience program, instead of fearing for his life he gets a month as a dark wizard catcher. And with Tonks as a mentor I'm sure nothing will go wrong, even with Sirius Black still being public enemy number one. Set in fourth year, with no Triwizard tournament.

  • The Dark Path

    Harry has a family who love him and he loves them, but when he gets sorted into Slytherin house things get a bit difficult. Surrounded by enemies Harry must be careful not to lose track of what's important. AU SlytherinHarry Pairings unknown yet.

  • A Soul so Mangled

    After the events with Quirrel, Harry cannot find peace with the death of the professor. Being alone with his thoughts and the Dursleys can't be a good combination. Harry has to try and fix more than one broken soul if he wants a chance to live.

  • Along The Path

    With four very good reasons to fight Harry must learn which battles are worth fighting. SlytherinHarry NotBWL

  • A Chance for Family

    When young Harry finds himself surrounded by all he could ever dream of, how could he let himself dream. A story that takes place in Harry's forth year. Slytherin Harry, with his sister being the GWL.

  • An Apprentice

    With a new Ministry scheme for getting the young adults of Hogwarts more interested in their future careers, The Ministry has started a free one week apprenticeship for all fifth year Hogwarts students. One such, Harry Potter gets a special apprenticeship with the Auror department. the newest Auror, Tonks decides to enjoy having Harry Potter working with her.

  • The Old Blood Runs True

    A small change to the events at the Blood Snow, a life with the Ogier with a small amount of guidance from maidens of the spear.