

  • Sleepless

    Because sometimes, to fall asleep, all you need is your best friend. Your boyfriend. Your fiancee. Your wife. Your soul mate. A collection of 30 moments in a lifetime during which Ron and Hermione just couldn't fall asleep. Bonus Chapter posted under 27 (4/21/13)

  • War of the Exes

    It's natural for them to lie. For him to say that he's not in love. For her to say that she hasn't spent every day missing him. But with help from food fights, family, and fake fiancees, they might be able to find their way back to each other.

  • Before the Dawn

    Facing one's own mortality was bad enough, but having a brand new baby and being forced to comprehend the fact that you're going to die soon is nearly impossible. For Lily Potter, choosing a person to godparent her beautiful son is harder than it should be.

  • Just a Kiss

    Hermione Granger has most definitely been known to over think everything and anything. So, really, it should be no surprise that kissing Ron Weasley is the same. A one-shot written for our favorite character's 33rd birthday, beta'd by the amazing stefanie437.

  • Moments

    Regardless of pain, regardless of context, regardless of the darkness, Hermione decides that she wants to stay in this moment forever. She savors the twisted wrongness of it, because she's just been tortured. She can't locate any good in the world, can't remember why there was a point to live besides this man who has saved her once more. And she's not remotely ready for the light.

  • As Long as You're Mine

    Ronald Weasley is of the stubborn opinion that the only way to save his best friend's life is to volunteer as a tribute for the Hunger Games right along with her. It also seems as good a time as ever to tell Hermione that he's in love with her, and their last days together become a whirlwind mix of both love and pain in the agonizing adventure that is The Hunger Games. 2 parts, AU

  • Because I Love You

    When the sixth years are forced to take a potion that causes them to dream about what would happen if their deepest regrets had gone a different way, Ron and Hermione are thrown into a universe in which they are a couple.

  • Just You

    One Valentine's Day in a pub may change everything.

  • The World According to Triple Chocolate Ice Cream

    When Ron and Hermione breakup right before Ginny and Harry's wedding, the bride puts them on a game show in a desperate effort to get her Maid of Honor and Best Man back together before time runs out. Needless to say, they're less than thrilled.

  • In the Eyes of Darkness

    COMPLETELY AU! America- 1941. In the midst of a devastating situation, Ron and Hermione Weasley must find each other time and time again and prove that love can conquer anything- even the worst kind of darkness.

  • Maybe Someday

    Everybody has to face their bullies- some people later than others. For Hermione, there are two chances to one up her muggle tormenter. And both of them are done with Ron Weasley by her side. Two defining moments. Three people. Ten years.

  • Never Forget

    Ginny Potter will always be grateful for what her mother-in-law and father-in-law did for her so many years ago. So every Halloween, she actually gets to show it.

  • Shutter

    Colin Creevy- photographer, average student, and possibly in love with Ginny Weasley. But in his final hours of life, he will also become an unsung war hero. This is that story.

  • Baby it's Cold Outside

    Because, against all odds, Ron Weasley can, in fact, sing.

  • Harry Potter and the Lord Who Shipped

    Voldemort is a hardcore Romione shipper. Now all he has to do is convert Snape. A crack!fic that contains Romione love, silly Snape, and Voldemort singing Ron and Hermione themed Wizard-rock. Beware of the frivolity. REVAMPED! LONGER! FUNNIER! BETTER!

  • Perfect

    "You are smart, you are beautiful, you are perfect."

  • When You're Gone

    When Ron leaves on auror missions, Hermione isn't the only one who misses him.

  • About That

    Because in spite of the fact that they may seem beyond repair, Ron will never give up. He'll never give up on him and Hermione.

  • All There is to Hold Me

    When Harry Potter throws Ron's blanket over Hermione the night that Ron left, he had no idea how much it would become to her. Years later, one cold winter night, Hermione tells the story of Ron's blanket, and all it has meant to her in their lifetime.

  • Trigger

    When Ron proposes and Hermione lacks the emotion he thinks she should have, he makes a split-second decision to trigger a crying marathon. If only it were that easy.