

  • Ground Rules

    "Stiles, you can't live with Lydia! You're gonna start feeling stuff again, and one day she's going to bring a guy home and you're gonna be jealous and try to kiss her to prove your love and then, that's it. You're alone and homeless." Stiles considers this. Then he shrugs. "Nah," he says, waving a hand dismissively. "I think it's gonna be fine."

  • forget that far away I sleep

    "Percy," she murmurs, threading her fingers through his untidy black hair, which is longer than usual. He may be the heir to his own kingdom, but there's nothing about him that seems regal yet. Percy Jackson is still a boy. Her boy.

  • Stucco Hearts

    Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase are soul mates. They know this because the small timers on their inner wrists tell them that they are meant to be. In theory, it will be easy for Annabeth to keep up the wall that surrounds her heart and stop herself from falling for Percy. In execution? Well, that's a completely different story. Cover art by magnssen. Story by Ananbeth and rongasm.

  • Friday I'm In Love

    Over the course of their life together, Percy and Annabeth Jackson share many different types of Fridays.

  • Out Of This Skin

    Lydia doesn't believe in fairytales. She believes in science, and, scientifically, her brain believes that Jackson is attractive so it releases more dopamine than it normally does when she looks at him and that is what being in love is like. Their relationship is mutually beneficial and makes sense and if she closes her eyes and plugs her nose, she can forget that it's passionless.

  • Stars On Your Ceiling

    They would always figure things out together. It was a comforting pattern, warm and dependable, like a sweater that fits just right no matter how many winters you wear it. The more worn in it is, the more comfortable the sweater, and Lydia feels the same way about Stiles. She just never intended to fall in love with him.

  • Already Gone

    One night, Lavender Brown writes a letter to her mother detailing the sordid events of her sixth year. After hiding her actions for so long, a tell-all seems to be in order, and through her own words Lavender comes to understand herself better. What's more, she finally accepts what she has known all along- Ron and Hermione were always meant to be together.

  • Gratification

    After the war, all Hermione and Ron want is a nice, quiet life together. With the exception of their enormous family, two loud children, and an extremely adorable terrier named Otter, they get it. This is the story of that gratification.

  • Spellbound

    Percy always thought the most bewitching thing he could discover at Hogwarts was magic. Then he met Annabeth Chase.

  • In Every Possible Universe

    When he's off, chattering a mile a minute about something that makes Hermione's heart ache with familiarity, she thinks that she could spend a lifetime with this phone pressed to her ear as long as Ron Weasley is on the other end of the line.

  • Pieces Into Place

    Listening to Percy Jackson singing in person, rather than in the privacy of her own home, is an entirely new experience for Annabeth Chase. His voice soaks into her skin, and she can picture his sheepish smile from where she stands backstage, waiting to go on. Percy is known for that ridiculous, awkward smile. When people tell him that, he usually just smiles even more awkwardly.

  • And He Waits

    "Look, sir. All I want is to marry your daughter. I've been trying for years, but due to reasons that she has quite thoroughly explained to me, I understand that it's not possible right now. Seriously, though. I'm trying. I can't promise you that it's going to happen soon- I'm not going to pressure Hermione into anything. But it will happen eventually."

  • So Be It

    He thinks that he couldn't possibly love Sherlock more.

  • First Pick

    For Rose Weasley, her father will always be her first pick. (Rated T for language)

  • Hear Your Voice

    The first time it happens, they pretend that it is the last time.

  • To Sir, With Love

    "Here's how the game works: Because I'm one of the lucky teachers that gets to have you from seventh grade to twelfth grade, I get to watch all you grow up. When I toss this ball in your direction, I want you to say your name, your favorite color, and what you hope to accomplish in the next six years of your life." Post series/Teacher!Percy/Percabeth

  • The Prince & Me

    Katniss Everdeen doesn't believe in destiny. She's been working her entire life to get to where she is and to give her family what she can. Peeta Mellark, on the other hand, is just the new boy with an odd accent, addictive eyes, and an entire country at his disposal. And while Katniss is certain that destiny is a fallacy, Peeta is convinced that he's going to change her mind.

  • Heart and Soul

    After learning that Hermione doesn't believe in soul mates, Ron makes it his mission to convince her otherwise. Falling in love with her certainly does help.

  • Irrevocably Yours

    She thinks that she will spend her entire life trying not to be in love with Ron Weasley.

  • Domesticity

    Love is love, even if that means constantly having to deal with eight legged creatures to keep one's partner happy.