Emma Gold

  • Dragged and Dropped into the Net

    A girl gets trapped in the UnderNet with no knowledge of what happened or how she got there when she gets attacked by several solonavis. What she doesn't expect is Forte.EXE to come to her rescue.

  • My Everything

    YAOI! This is my first Song Fic, so if it isn't all that good, then please forgive me. This is similar to Not A Chance, but Draco leaves Harry instead.

  • Left Behind

    YAOI! This takes place after Sirius dies and it's how Lupin deals with his death. Light SiriusXLupin.

  • Not A Chance

    Harry leaves Draco for Ginny and her unborn child. What happens? Yaoi/Slash, short. Was depressed when writing. No lemon