
  • Changing History

    What were to happen if Pan existed in the Mirai timeline? What if she were to go with Trunks to the past? How would have history changed if they were to have a secret attraction towards one another? AU. TP. R&R

  • Alternate Victory

    She couldn't be saved, they were too late. But that's not the only thing they have to worry about. Unfortunately, as it turns out, not everybody gets a happy ending. Not even the good guys. [AU] [Baby Saga]

  • An Alternate Victory

    She couldn't be saved, they were too late. But that's not the only thing they have to worry about. Unfortunately, as it turns out, not everybody gets a happy ending. Not even the good guys. [AU] [Baby Saga]

  • Our Bond

    It's no wonder to how Trunks and Pan became best friends so quickly; they've bonded! The Saiyan's bond is what held them together. But neither of them know it, yet. As they grow older, they develop feelings for each other but neither says a thing so they could protect their friendship. What happens when they just can't seem to stay away? TP. AU.