

  • Coming Home

    Haruhi left Japan almost six years ago without a word to anyone. The only one who knew where she was and why she left was the all knowing Shadow King, now she is back now that she is ready and boy, does she have a surprise for her old friends. Will her friends be able to forgive her for leaving so abruptly and how will they react when she doesn't come home alone?

  • I Just Wanted Normal

    Harry leaves England to get away from the pressures of being the Savior like Sirius had suggested before he died only taking those he considered family with him, just wanting to be normal for once. He should have known that anything Sirius planned was not going to fit his definition of normal, well at least he has help...

  • Hari Hunting

    After defeating Voldemort Harry has had enough of his so called friends and fakes his death to get away from the people who would continue to harass him. He moves to Japan' muggle world as Hari J. Peverell just to make sure he doesn't get recognized. Hari is still suspicious of people, but is willing to try and make true friends with a true fresh start...

  • Dear Diary

    Rapunzel s first friend was actually before Flynn came along, some might say he was imaginary, but she knows he was real, and he s the one who helped give her the courage to leave her tower. One-Shot.

  • Late Night Activities

    James is up to something and the others don't know what, but when they find out it only leads to more questions. Just who is James with? Rated T for implied situations... if you know what I mean... slash ONE-SHOT.