
  • What is she?

    On one of many sleepless nights, John is plagued by the question Sherlock asked not too long ago. The answer terrifies him. Johnlock. Rated T for swearing. Contains spoilers for Season 3! May make a sequel or longfic, who knows (depending on your feedback).

  • E Ku'u Aloha

    Continuação de E Kipa Mai. Harry finalmente toma coragem e vai atrás de Draco, mas será que é tarde demais? Aliás, será que conseguirá encontrá-lo? R&R, por favor.

  • Sherlock's Moving Castle

    Doctor Watson thought nothing of his ordinary day as he got up in the morning, tired as usual and bored as always. All days were the same, nothing changed, so what was there to think about? Not once did it cross his mind he would ever have the chance to meet the dangerous and, dare he say, fascinating wizard, Sherlock Holmes. Oh, poor John. If only he knew.

  • Tulipas No Jardim

    Perdas são horríveis e inevitáveis. Quando uma morte inesperada tira o chão de Draco, cabe somente a Harry Potter consolá-lo. Pinhão.

  • A Matter Of Perspective

    Hermione is having some difficulty with a potions assignment, and she gets help from an unlikely source - Luna Lovegood. Who would've thought the blonde girl was so sharp? Certainly not Hermione, although, by now, she should know that looks can be deceiving. Slight, subtle slash, if you want to look at it that way.

  • E Kipa Mai

    Draco e Harry tiram férias e escolhem o mesmo destino. Coincidência ou era para ser assim desde o princípio? R&R