
  • Girls with Red Hair

    Harry and Ginny go on their honeymoon and encounter a pair of leviathan hunters stirring up trouble.

  • Leave it By the Wayside

    You don't get to come back from things. Not really. He's finally starting to accept that. But maybe, if you want it enough, you can keep going forward.

  • Not a Curse but a Gift

    No one could accuse Ginerva Weasley of being weak-minded. Not when they knew what she'd suffered at the hands of the Dark Lord's horcrux at the delicate age of eleven. Yet under Narcissa's curse, when she wasn't actively animating her, she was as calm and docile as a doll.

  • The Lemonade Stand

    It's a blistering hot day in high summer and a young Katie Bell is determined to get enough money to pay for a new basketball.

  • We'll Be Counting Stars

    Captain Steve Rogers likes the simple life he's built. Do the job. Protect the crew. Get paid. Natasha Romanov and her cargo make life a lot less simple. [Firefly Fusion AU].

  • All in the Cards

    Although technically speaking they didn't ever plan to meet up like this, in the unspoken rules of their nighttime escapades it was Harry's turn to sneak into the kitchens and bring the hot chocolate and snacks out to the Great Hall.

  • Fortune Favours the Fortunate

    "Mundungus Fletcher was well aware that he had the devil's own luck."

  • Waiting for the Moment (that Never Came)

    Of course in the end they never did get to have that long conversation, and Remus bitterly regretted letting his chance pass him by.

  • Worth the Wait

    You can't rush art. Nor can you hurry it along.

  • I'll Tell You No Lies

    There was flour over every available surface and a few of the unavailable ones too and we were into our second bottle of champagne, drinking it out of coffee mugs and occasionally straight from the bottle because, Gin and I, we're super classy like that.

  • At the Edge of Greenhouse Forest

    Once upon a time, long, long ago at the edge of the Greenhouse Forest there lived two industrious farmers with sons who could not have been more different.

  • How This Love Breaks Me Down

    James is in so much danger right now and he doesn't even know it. He thinks that everything is fine. He thinks that this spell they're going to do, this ritual, he thinks it's going to make them safer. It is going to kill him.

  • There's a Monster at the End of this Book

    When it all started falling apart Regulus could admit that it was his fault.