DegreeOf Sarcasm

  • Place Your Hands

    This is a story that is has some content that could be confronting [self harm and the like]. I am not sure how to summarise it, but it is a Druna romance, and Luna is not who people think she is.

  • Scion

    Full summary inside but here is the general version. Cross between HBP and DH. The Malfoy's come to the conclusion that if Draco dies, the Malfoy line will be no more. So they intend on making him charm a young woman to 'unknowingly' carry his child on purpose. But will he fall in love for the woman who is chosen to be the one? [bad summary like always]

  • Training

    One shot with the handsome Oliver wood and dazzling Katie Bell. Oliver is on Puddlemere's quidditch team and is invited [with his teammates of corse] to host a training session at Hogwarts, and for the whole time all Oliver can think of is the one and only Miss Katie Bell. [crappy summary sorry]