Captain Omnitron

  • How to Make a Family

    Blitzo adopted Loona when she was almost 18... But what if it was when she was almost 8? What if he was still working at Loo Loo Land when he did? What changes come from these two wayward souls finding each other sooner? And what happens to others around them because of it? Cross post on Ao3

  • The USS Voltron

    Captain Takashi Shirogane's Log. Star Date: 2418.1. The day that we've all been waiting for has arrived, the maiden voyage of the first jointly built ship between the Federation and our new inductees, the Alteans. As a show of good will, Starfleet has chosen to name this vessel after an Altean legend... Voltron

  • Blitzo's Guard Dog

    Blitzo adopted Loona when she was almost 18... But it's been roughly 5 years and yet she still lives with him. To anyone who sees them out and about and day to day, one would clearly stop and wonder why. Little does anyone realize, Blitzo didn't just adopt a daughter, he got a guard dog out of the deal too... And if anyone needed guarding... well...

  • Breaking Sasuke

    Naruto thought of what he could possibly do to save his former friend. As he saw Sasuke leave, the Kyuubi jinchuriki smiled devilishly as he figured out just the right tactic.

  • When is it Enough?

    I laid cold and bleeding, surrounded by Triple Threat Triads. The gangsters closed in on me as I laughed mirthlessly at the events that lead me to this situation. And to think it had started with something so simple... Good job Mako... Good job.

  • And When he Cries

    "You will possess my wisdom, my strength, my courage, my power, my stamina, and my speed. All of it shall be yours and all you must do is... say my name."

  • Legend of Korra: Heroes of Shadow

    When a new threat comes to Republic City, Team Avatar will have to make some unusual allies. These heroes of shadow will fight to their last breath to protect the innocent... And it'll be one shell of a sight.

  • A Little Anarchy

    "Introduce a little anarchy, upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos. I'm an agent of chaos. You wanna know the thing about chaos? It's equal"

  • Korra's Day Off

    When Korra gets a day off and Asami leaves her alone at their house for the day... Thing's get interesting.

  • The Cape of Republic City

    "I love this city at night… Because that's when all the good citizens are heading home, and all the slimeballs spill onto the streets." Slight AU

  • The Spectacular Spider-Woman

    Living on the edge fighting crime, and spinning webs. Swinging from the highest ledge, she can leap above our heads. With villains on the rise and Republic City being victimized, it's citizens can look up with no surprise and see her arrive in the speed of time... The Spectacular Spider-Woman

  • The Vigilante

    Crime is like a sickness, that sneaks in through the cracks. And in Canterlot, there's a new force to despinse justice. By day Commissioner Shining Armor does what he can to keep the city in check and fight on the legal side of the law.But but by night, The Vigilante finds the law is inadequate. So in order to shame its inadequacy he acts outside the law to pursue…natural justice

  • Darkest before The Dawn

    "The night is darkest just before the dawn... But I promise you Republic City... The dawn is coming."

  • Mass Effect: Avenging the Galaxy

    The galaxy has lost its champion, and the Reapers are ever so closer to the Milky Way. A group of individuals come together to protect the worlds from the ever growing threats of the evil Reapers! Adopted from Asgardian Dovahkiin

  • A Meeting of Legends

    What happens when The Avatar, Keeper of Balance, Bridge between the Spirit and Human Worlds... Meets the Lion of Olympus?

  • Days Gone By

    Naruto is injured after his fight with Pain and slips into a coma. When he wakes up, he finds the world VERY different than last he saw it. What happened? Where is everyone? These are the questions on his mind. However answers come later, for now there is only survival. Rated M for gore and possible language

  • And When He Cries Spoon

    "I am the wild blue yonder! The front line in a never-ending battle between the forces good and not-so-good! Wicked men everywhere shall fear the name of... The Tick!"

  • Legend of Korra: The Power of Four

    "You four will be more than human from this point on... You four shall be... Fantastic."

  • Immigrant Story: The Woodbender

    Meet Naruto Uzumaki, fresh off the boat from Konoha with his family and ready to make it big in Republic City which isn't as easy as it sounds in a city full of prejudice to foreigners and benders alike.