
  • One Last Dance

    How would the night have gone down if it was Toby and Happy who had to go undercover at Lebeau's charity gala? Will Happy dance, or back out? Inspired by ElizaPliza's prompt- Toby/Happy dance scene instead of Walter/Paige.

  • The Mission That Changed Everything

    When the entire computer network of the White House is hacked, there is only one group of geniuses who can stop it! The Scorpion team is flown to Washington to save the day, but what happens when the mission doesn't go to plan and lives are placed in jeopardy? Is the team capable of such a high-scale mission? A multi-chapter fic, rated T for possible future violence.

  • A Hike in the Right Direction

    Fic for the week 4 prompt for the quintis fic challenge. Toby notices that Happy rushes out the door every Friday as fast as she can, and begins wondering about where she is sneaking off to. In a spur-of-the-moment decision, he follows her, but he finds is not what he expects, where will the mystery lead him? Non-established quintis, may become multi-chapter fic.

  • A Bag of Gold for a Life Saved

    Pompeii AU- in fear of having to watch him die in the games, Cassia buys Milo. But what will become of the pair when Corvus finds out about the exchange? And will Cassia be able to save Milo from his fate? Rated T for future violence.