
  • Drowning

    She cannot explain the rain when others' cannot see. She can only bear with it, and the pain it brings her. A drabble into Miku's constant 'It's raining again' and doing a character dive on how each person's dream differs from one another.

  • Blood Moon

    A different, more twisted path that occurs during/after New Moon. Instead of Riley, Victoria manages to find Bella, and uses her.

  • Twisted Circumstances

    Mayu is crazy and wants to stay. So of course Mayu takes drastic measures. Because Mayu has lost it. Slightly unfinished, but I'm posting stories here to have them as backup. Also just pretty proud of this one.

  • Slow Burn

    Sora and Riku have finally returned home, but nightmares have begun plaguing them. Kairi seems to be the only one keeping the two together. Of course she is having strange dreams of her own. Dreams of people that may have connections with everything, including her own past. Curious, Kairi is eager to find more answers, including who this girl Aqua is.

  • It's Raining Again

    "New…?" I asked dazedly, unnerved. "Yes. I bought it yesterday." As if to emphasize the point she picked up the small book up and flipped the pages, nothing but clean sheets settled in it. No writing, no 'it's raining again', nothing. Absolute clean pages.

  • Damned Friendship

    She paused and I waited for the final outcome I knew was coming. "…I'll do it. Just for a day." She smiled and I did as well. Her life was mine now. Ellen's POV. Pregame.

  • Ruby Red and Brilliant Blue

    Jack finds himself befriending a girl who is – well, not average – to say the least. However, only she can see him, as she has such a childlike persona to her and apparently believes in not only him, but the other guardians as well. But what happens when her team begins meeting the other guardians? Will Jack be able to become seen by all the RWBY team?

  • All God's Village

    Twins sacrificed to prevent the repentance, an awful thing done to the two unfortunate who are born as twins. A kusabi, in the case that the twins are not yet ready, or that there are no twins. But how did this all come to be? The findings of the Hellish Abyss, and why they chose twins to carry out a ritual.

  • Final Moments

    Seijiro Macabe. The man sacrificed as a Kusbabi. Just a little short, in depth detail of his ceremony.

  • The Aftermaths

    She simply wanted to save her sister. To get the two of them out safely. Now, she has to deal with returning to normalcy, in a world that is not quite normal anymore. In a world where she is suddenly not as needed. A world where Mayu doesn't exist. The isolation of suddenly being alone. A POV from Mio Amakura, beginning from the end of FF2 to the events in FF3 and after.

  • Hurtful Truths

    Maybe a little more happened to cause Yae's memory to draw a blank. Perhaps even a run-in with her sister.