
  • Love Hurts

    Harvey is secretly in love with Mike. Mike is in a physically abusive relationship and Harvey finds out just how bad it is. Warning: fair warning to any who find the topic painful. Also, rated for safety reasons.

  • Drarry Fic in progress

    I'm writing a Drarry fic and I need your help.

  • Nightmares

    While on a date, Mike sees someone from his past. This is a slash story. Warning: Triggers for child sexual abuse. Rated M for safety reasons and because I still can't figure out the rating system.

  • Shattered Heart And Mind

    Logan is thrown into a world of torment when an old friend unexpectedly shows up at the Mansion.

  • Oh, yay Another apocolypse

    Based off another fanfic story that I read. When Sam's Wall comes down, Dean, Cas and the Slayers need to figure out who did it and why.

  • Dream Come True

    WARNING: Established Wincest. Don't like, don't read. Sam takes care of Dean when Dean suddenly spikes a high temperature.