

  • Brightly Lit Diners (These Dark Café Days)

    She thinks about all of the habits in her life, the patterns of her day that guide her and trap her at the same time. Alicia/Finn, with hints of A/P and A/W as well.

  • Circle Game

    It's a bit like fencing, talking with her. Advance and retreat. Tied to 6x06. Alicia/Finn.

  • Assorted 3-Sentence Fic

    Various Three-sentence stories, written for a Tumblr meme.

  • Ridiculous

    It's ridiculous, calling it a date. An anon on Tumblr asked me to write Alicia/Finn first-date fic. I complied. This is, quite possibly, the fluffiest thing I've ever written.

  • your life is not your own (four lives alicia never lived)

    four lives alicia never lived. a/w, a/p.

  • Memory (The Persistence Of)

    Once. A long time ago. A remix of Pebblysand's "Once." A/W.

  • Proximate Cause

    They aren't here because she loves him; they're here because she doesn't. Finn/Alicia, mostly. This wouldn't exist, but for Pebblysand, Freiheitfuehlen, and DickWhitmansCat.

  • Affirmative Consent

    "Alicia Mildred Florrick and Finn Matthew Polmar, hereinafter 'the parties', hereby agree that the terms set forth as follows shall constitute the entirety of the understanding and agreement between the parties..." In which Alicia and Finn talk about the law and establish a new set of rules. A/F crackfic. I'm so, so sorry.

  • Someone Else's Laundry

    This might be what rock bottom feels like, but he can't muster up the courage to tell her. Will's POV, set 2 years pre-scandal, mostly.

  • Witness Prep

    The thing is, it really was about witness prep. Alicia and Finn.

  • Simple

    "I'm going to kiss you now," Finn says. He gives her a moment to think about it, to step away or tell him to leave and, when she doesn't, he does.

  • Rebound

    This is the part of it that they don't talk about, the part that makes her uneasy because they are such different people. Maybe she's just his rebound, too. Alicia and Finn, during Jeffrey Grant's trial. Alicia/Will, Alicia/Finn

  • Perspective

    Friendship, they rebuild slowly. Part 5/5 of "Rule Nor Reason" - Sequel to "Ghosts." A/W, set in a universe in which 5x15 didn't happen.

  • Untold Stories

    "Why aren't you pissed at me?" Alicia, in 5x14 and the months following 5x15. A/W.

  • Time

    Alicia, one day, one week, one month, and one year after 5x15.

  • Ghosts

    He can't keep doing this. He can't keep living with her ghost. W/A, set in 5x05 through 5x11. Sequel to "After," part 4/5 of "Rule Nor Reason."

  • Practical Certainties

    He really doesn't know her well enough. Not yet, at least. He will. He's sure of that the way he used to be sure when he threw a ball. Georgetown-era A/W.

  • After

    The problem, she decides, is that she's never thought about her life as something that happened after Will. Set in season 4 and the beginning of 5. Sequel to "Something."