Mint Julip59

  • Boyfriend

    Harry gets promoted but her senior officer is rather attracted to her so she needs a significant other and the best choice is her old partner James Dempsey.

  • Plus One

    It's Christmas and Harry doesn't want Dempsey to spend the festive season alone and invites him to be her plus one at Winfield Hall. The evening doesn't quite as she planned!

  • Intensive Care

    Another one from the archives which I've dragged out and added the final bit. Dempsey tackles a bomb and this time it doesn't go his way and Harry finds it difficult to cope with visit to Intensive Care.

  • Miss April

    Harry gets sick of Dempsey's girls turning up to take him off when he's in the pub with her and her well of hard fought for patience runs out.

  • Vacation

    Lillian decides Gabriel needs a vacation as he's recovering from a gunshot wound and Riley is assigned to protect him so she goes too. Riley's feeling a bit sensitive as her emotions were heightened when she put herself on the line for Gabriel and she realises how much she cares for him.

  • Betrayal Part 2

    Betrayal was submitted under the name MintJulip58 forgot my email password. Please read that first. Lillian protects Clockwork from it's greatest threat and Riley is her weapon of choice, Riley has bonded strongly with Gabriel can she help him deal with Amelia's return?

  • Dating

    Gabriel accepts a date and Riley gets a red mist moment