

  • Changes

    VampireElf!Harry. Harry comes into his Elf heredity but a deadly mistake is made by a stranger he met. And with this new develop and company he changes a lot. The world meets a new and more handsome Harry, who likes to tease Draco Malfoy.SLASH HD and mult

  • The Grey Side

    Harry befriends the Malfoys and change sides. Public drama and field days for the newspapers. Hermoine with help from Ron playing Harry making him beleive she's still his friend, so that Dumbledore can use Harry against Voldemort.

  • The mythical Geek porn movie

    An articl was printed in The Prophet to sort out all of the speculations going around, without it the magic world may have seeded to exist. This was the inside story about the British Quidditch Team, Rita S, Lucius Malfoy and the mythical Geek porn movie.

  • Black Sheep

    Her it is folks. Dark!Harry. Harry is spared by Voldemort and is nothing like the child of two light wizards. He is rebellious and feels he doesn’t fit in the perfect family Potter picture. Join him at Hogwarts as the public draws conclusions about why

  • The New Trio

    Harry gets resorted into Slytherin, Dumbledore is being an ass, frustration, Harry is best friends with Draco and Blaise, and hates Hermoine and Ron, half gods, vampires, Snape, Ying and Yang and love (possible Slash)

  • Dark Child

    Voldemort goes to the Potters to steal their child away from the light. He had a vision about this child, he shall raise him to become the Child of Darkness. Elfs, torture, discipline and power. Dark Slytherin Harry

  • Speilbilde

    En liten novelle. Draco angsttragedie. kan du finne ut av novellen?

  • Reflection

    A Draco angsttragedy one shot. He is freeing himself from Lucius and the worlds crule expectation which he can't seem to reach no matter what. Patrocide!Draco.

  • Wicked World

    Harry Potter is confused and in despair about his feelings and thoughts after a terrible betrayal of his friends and love once. Will he ever be the same, or is our hero lost in darkness?