
  • The path of the iron fan

    One's weapon of choice can determine a lot about them. So what happens when everyone's new blonde chooses to wield a weapon that require subtlety and control?

  • Passing only one

    A challenge from Valentine. What happens when Naruto from the beginning notices just how messed up team 7's teamwork really is and decides to say "fuck it"? Let's find out

  • The Godai

    A girl finds that the best way to change a situation, is to change yourself. Something that she gets help in doing. And in doing so, changes the world. With a little help from others. Part of my Symbiotes of the multiverse series.

  • Naughty empire

    In the world of wrestling it takes just one mistake to take you from the top of the hill to the bottom of the heap. This is a lesson that a great, beautiful, and strong pair of girls will learn the hard way.

  • Challenges, inspirations, and responses oh my!

    A collection of scenes that I received in someway from other writers. They or may not be expanded on at a later date. Rated for safety.

  • Underneath the Underneath

    Whoever said Love makes you crazy or evil had never been in love. It doesn't MAKE you that way. Only brings out what was already there to the fore. As Konoha is about to find out the hard way. Character death. Dark Hinata, naruto, and shino.

  • Five cherry blossom nights

    A simple mission. Seriously it was just a C-rank to spend some time watching a restaurant at night for a few days. Why couldn't it stay so simple?

  • New beginnings

    What if's and could have been's. In every story their are diverging paths. These are scenes that show the beginning of a different path a story could have taken. They are each up for adoption if you the story path intrigues you enough. They aren't a full story in themselves, just the start of one. Care to give them an ending?

  • Through hate and rage

    Some of the strongest friendships at built upon conflict. The strongest bonds forged through the heat of rage. The strongest connections created through shared hatred. When two unknowing halves see things from the same angle they create something that few can understand, and fewer can even try to break.

  • Imperfect two

    The dead-last and the Kunoichi of the year. Two individuals taht are seemingly world apart. However a meeting between the two will reveal that they are more made for each toher than anyone expected. As much as she will hate to admit it.

  • Calm after the storm

    He had ruined everything. Destroyed her world. And she wanted nothing more than to return the favor. And in most instances she would stop at nothing to achieve her goal. However in a single moment, that might just all change.

  • Boxfox Kurama

    Power comes in all shapes and sizes. And some of those happen to be cute. However sometimes a harmless appearance just makes it all the easier to get what you want. Oneshot

  • River snake

    Snakes don't just hide in grass. And when they can change their skin as easily as we change clothes you never know where or even who they are. (Warning will be dark, with character death and violence portrayed)

  • Change of plans and heart

    Sometimes hesitation, or the lack of it, can change everything. What happens when a girl takes a deal well before she was suppose to? What happens when plans change? Oneshot

  • Keeping company

    Behind the curtain stands something many believe to be broken. Forgotten by many. However those that remember him hold him dear. And one child tha tfeels they are the same decides to stay affter hours. Oneshot

  • Game over

    Always in the background. A loyal fan that grew up with the characters. Watched them change from simple mascots to what they are today. Seen their phases. But still his loyalty stayed despite it all. Not to the company but the characters themselves. And this is how his loyalty is repaid. One-shot

  • Rise of the Amazon

    A girl without a name or a shred of memory of who she was is found by a group of warrior women. Taken in and trained she will see to it that their goals are met. No matter who gets in her way.