
  • Behave

    Belle and Ruby are having a girls night with some others, and Belle experiences drunk Ruby for the first time, and realizes that Ruby is very touchy feely when she's drunk, and all Ruby wants to do is touch/hug/cuddle Belle constantly

  • Accident

    Ruby comes home to Belle and has a minor freak out

  • It's Always Been You

    AU: Storybrooke is an actual town in Maine… Therefore there is no curse… A drunken night at a graduation party turns Ruby's world upside down.. She leaves town and comes back six years later to some surprises... (AN: This is one of the first Red Beauty stories I ever wrote.. I just found it and wondered why I never posted it here.. Reviews always welcome and appreciated..)

  • Pinky Promise

    Jemma just wanted Skye to keep her promise...

  • Five Times

    Anon prompt: The five times Jemma tried to ask Skye out.. and the one time Skye asked her...

  • Fourth of July

    AU Skye is a world famous pop recording artist. Jemma is a performing arts student working part time at a local restaurant. When Skye decides to take a break from her crazy life and return home, she meets Jemma who is not a fan of her or her music…

  • Teddy Bear

    Imagine Person A of your OTP really getting attached by how warm Person B makes the bed when they fall asleep together/cuddle so when Person B comes home from some trip Person A yells at them because their bed was so cold

  • The City's Protector and the Scientist (AU)

    So this used to be "The Encounter" I took some stuff out to make it easier to turn this into a series.. Hopefully it works and it's enjoyable.. Jemma has a run in with the city's protector…

  • The Family Series

    Summary: This is the beginning of The Family Series involving Red Beauty and Swan Queen that my bud fivebyfreakingfive and I have been bouncing around.. Part one: Ruby and Belle want to start a family so they go to Regina and Emma for help…

  • Accidents Happen

    Skye reacts to Bobbi's interest in Jemma...

  • My Super Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

    Skye just wants to make a perfect life with Jemma, but her Hydra super soldier ex girlfriend has other plans for the rest of Skye's life.. Like ending it…

  • Sick

    Skye takes care of a sick Dr. Simmons

  • Detention

    Skye meets Jemma in detention

  • Date Night

    Someone on either fanfic or AO3 asked me to series what I decided to call Doctor's Visit .. I thought why not write their first date… So.. here you go…

  • Laser Tag

    High School AU: Skye and Jemma have been dating for several weeks. Skye invites Jemma to her best friend's party and hopes that they will finally share their first kiss…

  • Doctors Visit

    Skye needs to find a way to get cute Dr. Simmons attention..

  • TV Night

    Skye and Jemma spend the night on the couch watching television...

  • Confession

    Skye wakes up with Simmons by her bed side they get to talking resulting in Simmons admitting her feelings for Skye and how worried for her she was

  • Anything for You

    During a mission.. Skye gets shot trying to protect Jemma...

  • First Time

    This is the Epilogue for The Athlete and the Tutor... It's the last weekend before they start college and Belle has a special night planned for Ruby... (Swan Queen involvement)