

  • hangoverhang under

    "Draco knows all about rigging up dying flesh on dry bone until it looks human, urges the sun into losing eyes every morning until the characteristic shine of them is strong enough that he even fools himself. And Nicolas Flamel be damned, Draco's learned this all by himself." Or, the one where Draco gets high in the forest with his friends.

  • beyond fake

    What Greta Bowie wants, Greta Bowie gets. Right now, she wants an alibi. And she's got the perfect boy for it.

  • I think it's dark and it looks like rain, you said

    or: Pete waxes poetic about his crush. Michael does something about it.

  • Folié à Deux

    In the midst of battling the horrible beast of adolescence, Pete finds himself giving into romantic persuasions towards one of his friends but the familiar ache of feeling inadequate plagues his mind. Wherein the misery quartet engages in their regular agenda of being goth as shit.

  • Concerto Grosso

    Pete and Michael indulge in some absentminded conversation and excessive amounts of affection.

  • Just Like Heaven

    Pete tries his hardest to conceal any affections aimed towards a close friend and Michael suffers the consequences. In which Henrietta is a professional beauty school dropout. (CuRed)

  • Sic Itur ad Astra

    Firkle's birthday edges closer and closer as his friends inspect their own lives while attempting to scavenge for a gift. Pete finds a certain affinity towards the tallest member of their quartet.

  • Melt

    Pete contemplates the end of the world as he and Michael engage in acts of affection in the dark.

  • Phototactic

    Pete and Michael indulge in insomnia-fueled contemplation of the meaning of the word 'entertain'.

  • Tired

    Puberty sucks. Literally, it sucks you into its proverbial gaping mouth and swallows you whole and then digests you with crushes on people who like holding you sometimes, but not all the time. Or maybe I'm just socially stupid. Probably.

  • Comfort

    Craig Tucker and Kenny McCormick make out with Grease playing in the background.

  • Vincent Price's Wicked Hangover

    Pete and Michael contemplate starting a band.