

  • Azure Moon: Cerulean Tears

    Ancient conspiraces and enemies, clashing ideology and allegiances, and the burning embers of a war long stoked by shadows was not the world they knew, but it was the world they had been drawn into, and forced to live in against their will. They stood shoulder to shoulder with the future king of Faerghus now, and would see it through to the end... The total end. (AM, B!Sibling AU)

  • Questions of Merit

    Morgan was sure Falchion had rejected his hand, and despite Lucina's gentle words that he still remained a prince of Ylisse, still was the son of Chrom and Skye... The insecurities simply kept on piling up, one after another. When faced with a family he thought he could never stand up to, Morgan wondered if perhaps he was nothing more than a disappointment. ChromxMorgan. (Fam/Rqst)

  • Semisweet Chocolate

    With so many of their comrades distracted by one of their rare nights of relaxation and cheer, Cordelia didn't have much of an excuse to disagree when Gaius suggested taking advantage of the situation for some time alone. Following him later, she found herself face to face with the fiance of her first love, and perhaps the time had come to finally clear the air. (Friendship Rqst.)

  • The Moments In Between

    Between the never-ending battles, the long marches, and even the quiet and stolen instances of exhausted peace, the husbands and wives, lovers, and families that make up the Ylissean army catch the moments they can as the world moves on without pause all around them. A collection of oneshots, including missing scenes from the "Parts of the Whole" rewrite and collaboration.

  • By The Springs

    Though the party had been waging for over an hour, Lucina had yet to see the dark-haired mercenary she had fully expected to be at the center of the festivities being held at the hot springs, and she was beginning to get worried by his absence. Morgan's mischief begins a night of pleasant surprise for both Lucina and Inigo when he prods his sister to find him. LucinaxInigo (M).

  • To Break Down The Walls

    Palutena took him so fiercely into her arms that his breath was knocked clean out of his chest when they finally reunited, and for a brief instant, Pit forgot himself as he returned her embrace. The Chaos Kin was dead, his wings were healed, but when the explosion of emotion settled, Pit knew that she was once more his goddess, and he was again nothing but her angel. PitxPalutena.

  • Still Waters

    The questions swirled without answer for the last three years of her life, and the dark-haired tactician wasn't prepared when she and hers traveled to that ruined battleground where the Wellspring of Truth resided. Only one question seems to remain for her now, whether to look into the still waters and learn the truth, or turn her back on the past to embrace her future. SkyexChrom.

  • Fall Seven Times, Stand Up Eight

    She reminded Frederick of a saying he had heard once when he was too young to really understand the meaning of it, and he repeated it to her once among fifty other instances in between their friendship, romance, and marriage that would follow that disastrous first meeting when she had fallen flat on her face when trying to shake his hand. (Formally Instances In Between). 50 Sen.