
  • The Road To Canada: THE REDUX

    Yet another remake of a story I wrote as NN009. AU: Nick (OC not the Nick from the game) was a 25 year old detective, but born in Canada, who got back from a vacation when he finds out that the zombie apocalypse has started up. Soon he finds himself in a group that is broken from the start and he must do whatever it takes to survive. Rated T for now... ON HIATUS!

  • Agents of Lyoko season 1

    AU: When Raina puts Coulson in the memory machine, he finds a memory of his family, and something else... Desperate for answers, Coulson enrolls in Kadic to find his brother and sister. His search leads him to the Lyoko Warriors. Now he must fight both The Clairvoyant and Z.A.N.A. Formerly titled 'Code: SHIELD Season 1'. ON HIATUS!

  • Arrows and Infinity Stones

    This is a STANDALONE spinoff of PhoenixAngel 47's Infinity Stones series. Basically seasons 2 and 3 of Arrow but with an added character, only he's from our world and knows what happens in season 2 and the first half of season 3 of Arrow. Will he survive and find a way home? Will he ever find out the truth behind his sister's mysterious disapperance? ON HIATUS!

  • The Walking Dead: TLOZ: THE REDUX

    Remake of a story I posted as NN009. AU: 7 months after Lee's death, Clementine, Omid, and Christa come across 2 brothers shortly after they escaped Carver's Camp. Follow their tales as they come across Hyrule and go their seperate ways, one of them goes back to Hyrule, the others countinue to live in an apocalypse. Cabin group, Carver (obviously), and Ganon eventually. ON HIATUS!