

  • A Spandex Dressed Damsel in Distress

    "Hey, uh, Blondie?" Artemis leaned out the window. On the ground below was a person resting in the midst of fallen garbage cans. A person dressed in... yellow spandex? "Hey there," she said warily. "Hey, hi! So, uhm, I seem to have gotten myself into a bit of a pickle here. Think you can maybe give me a hand." KF breaks his leg, good civilian Artemis helps him. AU Spitfire one-shot

  • Try Me on for Size

    "I don't need some useless archer, supposedly having my back," Wally scoffed. "I'm useless? You're the one that counts on his freaky-superpowers to save the day. You don't have any skills, except for maybe annoying everyone on this team." The infamous soul-switch, now with Spitfire. A rewriting of the unfinished story "In Your Shoes".

  • Curing Deanmons 101

    Castiel is left in charge of the demon and is determined to appeal to the human side he hopes still resides in Dean. The Deanmon, however, sees this as the perfect opportunity to mentally break down his guard-angel and escape his unwanted transformation back to humanity. And if he manages to bed said angel in the process, all the more kudos to him. Post season 9