Demented Insane Spirit

  • The Noble Sacrifice

    "How did the experiment go?" Sirius asked her softly, and his eyes seemed darker in the torchlight. "I think it's too soon to release any results," she told him. He laughed. "Ah, Evans...," he sighed, smiling slightly. "I knew you were going to be trouble for me." (Sirius/Lily/James)

  • A Demon's Promise

    "A Demon never breaks his promise," he told her in that steady, calm voice to which she had grown accustomed. "There's no reason for me to lie and I made a promise to you in Edo." Gazing at him, she knew that he was being honest and not for the first time, her chest constricted with warmth for this man – this strange Demon that fate had put into her path. Kazama/Chizuru. Slight A/U

  • A Place in Kyoto

    If not for the way he drew her to her, Chizuru might not have continued to engage Kazama in these little debates. But at the end of it all, she knew that he would come back for her and she would be waiting. One-shot. Kazama/Chizuru

  • The Marauder Chronicles

    In the aftermath of Grindelwald's defeat, Dumbledore is reminded that not even a brilliant mind can cure him of a human heart, with all its temptations. While Dumbledore is in the midst of his own rediscovery and tracking Tom Riddle, Sirius arrives at Hogwarts to quite accidentally create an enemy out of Severus Snape by catching the notice of the wrong girl. (SnapexLilyxSirius)

  • Definition of Love

    YamakenxShizuku. Shizuku was unable to pinpoint when it happened, but even she recognized what she was doing once Natsume called her out on it in her blunt manner. Somehow, it failed to bother either her or Haru. It was just the natural progression of things. One shot.

  • Change

    Hermione was no fool. She knew that Draco Malfoy had not changed, that even though she and her friends had saved his life, he considered it nothing more than heroics. Then why was she so stunned at his insults, his harsh manner? One shot.

  • Sands of Egypt

    AtemuxAnzuxMalik. A noblewoman of Egypt and an expert thief that abandoned the life of nobility. Two people that had dreams and only one that carried it out. Egypt is in danger and they are only two people who can face the creature that threatens Egypt. Nobles, commoners, and thieves alike must work together to face the evil that is trying to corrupt Egypt...

  • The Inquisitor's Choice

    InquisitorxDorian; Spoilers; It would have been too much for Dorian to expect anything out of the herald of Andraste, much less a lover. Yet when flirting becomes more, love during war seems possible...although there is a worry in his heart that it may not last past the war or that either of them will survive.

  • Graduation

    (MikoshibaxSakura) Days before their high school graduation, Sakura and Mikoshiba reflect on the progression of their emotions throughout their high school career. For Sakura, there's a sense of uncertainty as she realizes that her feelings have transferred from Nozaki to Mikoshiba, and for him, he's unsure when, if ever, he should act upon his existing feelings. One shot.

  • To Think of You

    "It was hard to say goodbye, you know?" Kaiba looked at her mildly. "Whoever said that it was goodbye?" he replied. "After all, goodbyes are forever, aren't they?" Anzu smiled at the simplicity. "I guess you're right," she answered. Azureshipping. One shot.

  • The Woes of Black

    At the end of term, Sirius once again dreads the return to the house of Black and bids farewell to Hogwarts and his friends until the holidays are completed. One shot.

  • Remedial Potions

    SSHG Hermione has never been caught before, so she never expected that muttering instructions to Neville could get her in deep trouble with Professor Snape and end up with Remedial Potions at night.