
  • Pawn

    The most expendable piece on a chessboard can still gain a queen.

  • Spectrum

    A short piece for Batwings79

  • Follow

    What if Isobel had followed Ethel when she had seen her?

  • Carrying On

    A short AU during season 2.

  • Earth

    The things needed to make life grow.

  • Ethics

    The principle of double effect. Rated M because the subject matter is a bit grim and I don't wish to upset sensitive readers.

  • Familiarity

    The tickling of the mind

  • Uniform

    Richard POV Missing scene from Season 4 For UK viewers this would be missing scene from episode 3. For US viewers PBS mashed ep 1 and 2 together for episode 1 so this would be missing scene from episode 2

  • Spectre

    When one believes oneself to be already dead. POV

  • Roses in the Snow

    For Olive-345 for the Richobel Secret Santa.

  • Illumination

    Season 5 snippets from itv trailers for Batwings79

  • Whispers of the Dead

    When the dead speak we should listen.

  • Wanting

    Season 2 A/U. The things we thought we wanted.

  • The Jar

    What a jar can hold.

  • Gifts

    Isobel's POV from "Riches" can also be read as a stand alone.

  • Riches

    What we consider to be treasure.

  • Season

    End of Season 4 A/U.

  • Air

    The fourth element. Once again it can be read as a stand alone or a companion to "Earth" "Fire" and "Water".

  • Water

    Richard POV, a stand alone but can be read after "Fire".

  • Fire

    Established Relationship. Takes place after "Earth" but can be read as a stand alone.