
  • Shinji's last wish

    Right after Takaya appeared to interfere with Ken Amada's revenge, the whole SEES arrived to avoid any more casualties. Sadly, Takaya had already gained its first victim, Shinjiro Aragaki, but just before he died Minako got the chance to speak with him in order to fulfill his last wish. MinakoXShinjiro Fic.

  • El sentimiento que originó el cambio

    Una extraña lectura en Yakushima y la desaparición de Aigis llevó a los operativos de Mitsuru a hacer una investigación, pero la doncella mecánica "Labrys" se dará cuenta de lo increíblemente difícil que es enfrentarse a un pasado tan desastroso por la curiosidad humana. La pregunta es sencilla, ¿aprenderá la lección que se oculta tras los siguientes conflictos?

  • Forever falling for you

    Blake and Yang are in a calm trip around Forever Fall forest, but things will change once one of them brings something interesting. Some BumbleeBee because I just had to write something about that couple, I hope you like it since it's the first time I write in English, anyway, enjoy the fanfic.