A terrible argument between father and son escallates... The Lane-Kents deal with the aftermath of Clark accidentally using his powers on his powerless son. What begins with a drama, soon develops into a weird discovery trip and the family learns things about Jonathan, they never ever dare to believe. Or for short: What happens when Jon loses his mind?
5 years ago, Jonathan Samuel Kent, the powerless son of Superman and the shame of the house of El, left his parents house and was never seen again... Dealing with the loss of their son, who had to endure a lot in his life, Clark Kent, alias Superman and his family never figured out what happened to him. But nothing is like as it seems. Sequel to 'All I wanted' and 'All he wanted'.
Sequel to Zero Gravity! Clark tries to make up to his son, after getting an reminder from an unexpected source.
There is actually one Superpower, Clark's son really adores!
After a weird incident, a mother is forced to tell her son some things about his father, nobody could have ever imagined. Future-fic/ outsider-POV.
Sequel to 'All I wanted'. Clark deals with his son's mental breakdown, when suddenly someone with a warning appears.
The Kents wake up one morning and find themself in a strange new world: Their own Sitcom!
Post 2x07! Jon deals with the aftermath of his drug use. But an incident with his father leds almost to disaster. And finally to a father-son-talk.
In the aftermath of the boys accidentally revealing some family-secrets, Lois and Clark deal with the aftermath! Sequel to 'Small town gossip'
"Does the K stand for Kent or for Kryptonian?" Clark Kent thinks he knows who is aware of his secret. Well that's not fully true... (Outsider POV)
Jonathan Kent meets a foreigner who turns his world upside down. Thinking about her words, he really asks himself what is his position within the family.
While home alone, the Kent brother's hear the latest no. one gossip in Smallville. While heading out to figure out more and limit the possible damage for thier family, both boys learn more about the town and about themself than they ever expected.
Oliver fährt, gegen Sandras Willen, seinen Sohn besuchen. Während er versucht vor allen Menschen zu verheimlichen wie er zu Connor steht muss er auch einer neuen Gefahr gegenüber stehen die nicht nur Connor, sondern auch alle Menschen in seiner Heimatstadt bedroht.
Oliver freut sich auf ein paar gemeinsame Tage mit Connor. Doch eine Reihe ungewöhnlicher Ereignisse und ein neuer Feind bedrohen das Familienidyll. Connor steht vor dem Abenteuer seines Lebens!
Nach den Ereignissen in 'Unthinkable' versucht Oliver sein Leben neu zu ordnen als er dem letzten großen Geheimnis seiner Mutter auf die Schliche kommt. Doch die Anfängliche Freude soll nicht lange währen... den das Böse ist auf der Lauer!
Roy muss den anderen vier Mitgliedern des Teams Rede und Antwort stehen nachdem er von Felicity auf seine erste eigene Mission geschickt wurde... auf der so einiges passierte...
Seit 'Seeing Red' ist es offiziell. Doch wie geht es der Frau heute? Und was fühlt Sie? Kurzgeschichte über Moiras letztes großes Geheimnis.