

  • Fear of the Wheel

    After getting his drivers license, Chase gets a brand new car and takes it out for a ride. Little does he know that he will get into a serious accident while driving. After the accident, Chase begins to fear driving. Bree soon begins to notice that Chase is scared of driving and scared of his family driving as well. Will Bree help him overcome his fear of driving? One-Shot.

  • Cadam

    A whole bunch of one-shots about Adam and his girlfriend Cara and their love adventures together. They'll go places, help their friends out and learn new things along the way. I do not own lab rats.

  • Dateless

    16 year old Cara has never been what you call 'popular' at Mission Creek High.Homecoming's coming up and no one has asked her out yet. She has one certain boy on her mind but the only problem is he's popular and she's not.Will she ask out the guy of her dreams? Will he say yes? Will he say no? Or will a certain bionic named Adam take her to the dance instead? I do not own lab rats.

  • Green-Eyed Monster

    Jealously. It's a bad thing. Sometimes jealously can lead to bad decisions. Decisions that could change your life forever...

  • It Only Takes One Pill

    After meeting and hanging out, Chase is persuaded into buying and taking prescription pills from a 'friend' to help him with his stress. After a while, Chase starts to become addicted to the pills. He starts to change and his family senses something is up. Will they find a way to help Chase before things get out of hand? I don't own lab rats. Story created to spread awareness.

  • All Because of Being Forgotten

    Eddy has had a bad day. First Donald forgets his birthday and then the kids start to make fun of him. Eddy decides that he has had enough of people disrespecting him...(story for daphrose's Evil Eddy contest) I do not own lab rats. Rated T to be safe.

  • A Christmas Accident

    Everything just seems to be going wrong the night of Christmas Eve. Tasha burns the Christmas turkey, Adam destroys the Christmas decorations, the Christmas tree falls on top of Chase and more. Will all the chaos calm down before Christmas morning comes around?

  • True Meaning of Christmas

    The lab rats learn about the true meaning of Christmas. A Christian one-shot fanfic.

  • Home Sick Home 2

    After all that's happened to him, Chase is now in the process of recovering from all of his experiences. Will he ever recover and return back to 'normal', or will something or someone stand in his way? (Sequel to "Home Sick Home") READ FIRST STORY BEFORE YOU READ SEQUEL! I do not own Lab Rats.

  • Useless

    After screwing up a mission, Chase has felt like a nobody thanks to his family. He feels worthless, unappreciated, unworthy. When a big opportunity comes to finally show his family he's something special, will he take the opportunity to prove he's actually a hero? Even if it's a life threatening opportunity?

  • Home Sick Home

    While Mr. Davenport, Tasha and Leo are away on a trip, Chase gets really sick. Adam and Bree are the only ones left to take care of him. When Chase's condition starts to get worse, it's up to Adam and Bree to nurse him back to health. I do not own Lab Rats.

  • Kidnapping For Revenge

    Feeling like he's not wanted at home anymore, Chase decides to run away, only to get kidnapped and held hostage by a ex Davenport Industries worker and his wife. Now it's up to Chase's family to save him. Will they be too late? I do not own Lab Rats. Feel free to review!