Mary Hiddlesbatch

  • Novilunio

    Secuela de "El Misterioso Sr. Laufeyson". Lisbeth sabe bien que la paz no se logra fácilmente. La mortal que se convierte en diosa.

  • As sure as the Sun rises every day, Flappy Bird dies

    It's just a video game, a freaking video game that has all The Avengers as slaves of their mobile phones. They just want to keep the weak bird alive. Let's play. Why not?

  • Songs to Remember the Glorious Days

    Compilation of one-shots based in characters of The Hobbit films.

  • Avengers Christmas Special (2014)

    The Avengers were having fun in that red and green day. Everything was fine until Tony decided to play with his new invention... (It might be rated M for some bad words)

  • Bloody Heart

    A different ending of the Stark Tower's scene. Loki does what he always wanted... right?

  • The First The Miss

    Sherlock certainly changed in those two years. An important reason comes back to his life. A new case, harder than ever, because he's coming into the losing side...

  • AGRA

    Mary desea hablar con Sherlock después de lo ocurrido en Appledore. Ciertas cosas deben dejarse en claro cuando la vida del joven Holmes esté en las frías manos del Gobierno Británico. Este fic participa del Reto de Apertura "Mi personaje favorito" del foro "221B Baker Street"