
  • I Never Thought of It Until Now

    Masada used to travel around with Shitai in his ship, until he wanted to go have other adventures. Having no idea what has happened to him, what will be his reaction when a little girl holding a knife suddenly walks into his ship uninvited? ((WARNINGS FOR: sexual scenes and gore / Mostly Shitai/Masada with some Madotsuki/Masada))

  • Mutant Blood The Easiest to Shed

    Sober Gamzee beats and almost kills Karkat in a rage fit. Chained up and unable to fight back, Karkat has to put up with the horrible treament from his ex-moirail. ((GamKar) warnings for: bodily fluid [ex: blood, snot, tears, etc.]; sexual things; cussing) Please R&R

  • Sunshine

    It's the end of the world, Sam and Dean couldn't find a way to stop this. Cas and Dean are stuck in a small cabin as the end draws near. One-Shot Destiel; Angst/Fluff; R&R