Sage of the Wolves

  • A Demon's Spirit

    WindClan is lost. ThunderClan is in turmoil. And a murderer is still on the loose. Sandspirit, new warrior of ThunderClan, feels like things will only get harder before they get better. And things will definitely be harder for her. Can she rise to the growing challenges or will she fall into darkness and blood trying to save herself and her loved ones? Sequel to A Demon's Fire.

  • Coldest Italy, Warmest Russia

    He didn't know why he saved his fellow nation. He didn't want to deal with this nation invading his home. He wanted to be left alone to drown in his fears. At first he didn't want the comfort and security the other gave and yet...little by little he started to warm up again. He wanted to have someone hold him close and cherish him. He wanted to feel happy again. He wanted Russia.

  • Rain

    Running from home to have a moment of freedom, Hinata gets captured and held for ransom, however she is saved by a mysterious girl. In the darkness and rain a friendship is made. Forbidden to see her, Hinata sneaks out to be with Tayuya, but danger lurks with everyday spent together. Will Tayuya be able to protect Hinata or will they be permanently forced to stay apart?