
  • Some other life, maybe some other time

    Set during World War Two, two parties find each other in another life and wonder what may be NOW COMPLETE

  • Gone Time, Gone

    Chummy faces a test of her strengthening confidence in herself and her future by a face she never thought she would see NOW COMPLETE

  • Ever After

    Nonnatus receives a shock and in its own style, rallies around its friends as best it can. NOW COMPLETE

  • Memories and Moving On

    The time has come to move forward and onwards and Trixie and Chummy reminisce and wonder what the future holds

  • Through Invisible Seas

    Love blossomed, it was allowed to burn but how will it find eternity? Professionally, Chummy and Patrick find themselves caught between religion, love and morality. (This story assumes that Chummy never went to Sierra Leone and occurs during S2). NOW COMPLETE

  • Words are not enough

    Another take on Chummy & Peter's reunion in S1. COMPLETE

  • From Little Seeds Do Apples Grow

    Set shortly after Peter & Chummy reunite and she is invited to spend some time on the farm NOW COMPLETE

  • The Things that Drive Us

    The nurses deal with a shock as a crime is committed under their noses NOW COMPLETE

  • For Your Ears Only

    As inspired by Wolfeylady's review of In This Place Where We Meet, a conversation takes place between Chummy & Peter COMPLETE

  • In This Place That We Meet

    A chance for change and reconciliation? After the death of her mother, Chummy's father tries to forge links. NOW COMPLETE

  • First Foolishness and Curiousity

    A first date for Chummy... NOW COMPLETE