
  • To Thranduil's Halls We Go

    Bilbo invented many a song, and one about his adventures he decided to teach to the younger Hobbits... Written for Nov/Dec 2021 Teitho "Over the River" Challenge, it took 1st place!

  • Sticky Fingers

    What IS Legolas' favorite food? Written for the Sept/Oct 2021 Teitho Contest "Fruit", it placed first!

  • I Am Fine

    On the way home with Estel, Legolas finds himself pondering the events surrounding the anniversary of his dear friend Morlan's death. Step back in time to see how an Elf grieves and to find out just what it takes to light the flame of determination in the soul of Mirkwood's prince. Written for the Sept 2014 Teitho Contest. It did not place.

  • Dúath a Lach: Egúr a Enîr toll Gwend

    Shadow and Flame stole much that day. Legolas finds himself grieving the loss of Gandalf and his own inability to change the wizard's fate. However, within the haven of Lothlorien, the prince realizes he is not the only one with hurts of the heart. A similar pain draws together Elf and Dwarf and sparks a friendship to last the ages. 3rd Place Teitho Jan 2014 Winner! NO SLASH!

  • Dinner For Two

    Joe cooks an omelet and Cameron comes by with tacos. What exactly happened before the beginning of episode 6 that put them in Joe's bed together?

  • Two Things

    A smile and a voice. Cameron and Gordon. Clothes and a car. Two things over and over again that collide with each other to create Joe MacMillan. Only... Joe is just as empty inside as the Giant now. Two things got him into this business... and two things have now destroyed the visionary. SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 10!

  • Of Elves and Pies and A Door That Time Forgot

    One late night Thranduil got peckish. One early morning Ned slipped on a peach pit. As a result, a "Door That Time Forgot" opened and Elvenking and Pie Maker switched places. Now Thranduil is stuck in the Pie Hole with no idea how to make pies and Ned finds himself in Mirkwood assuming the duties of a king! But the burning question is this... Can Ned still bring back the dead?

  • His Final Thoughts

    "Guardians of the Galaxy" - SPOILER ALERT! - Ronan ponders the inferiority and ridiculousness of Star Lord in a moment of confusion during their final confrontation.

  • Drafn Tolthol

    Alone in Ithilien for the winter feast known as Drafn Tolthol, Legolas has fallen into a melancholy mood. But when Caldor sends word to the prince's father, Legolas receives a most unexpected visitor to keep him company through the holiday, bearing a small gift that sets the prince's homesick heart at ease. Written for the Dec 2013 Teitho contest (it did not place).

  • The Difference Between Life and Dreams

    Lucius Malfoy realizes his mistakes in life whilest in Azkaban. Draco learns more about his father than he could possibly imagine with the help of a pensieve. Set between OOTP and HBP, this story has NO SLASH and NO CHILD ABUSE.

  • One Second In Time

    An Alphabet Story - Thranduil watches Legolas while out hunting and reflects for but a moment on his son. Written for Oct Teitho 2014. It did not place.


    Ronan muses to himself over the path of his life, the ceremony of his mornings, and the beauty of his ship.

  • One Drink Too Many

    Bosworth's been arrested, Cardiff's going under, and Cameron hates him. Joe decides to get himself drunk, but some helpful advice from another lost soul drowning her own sorrows makes Joe rethink his options. Set in the middle of Episode 8.

  • Teeth

    20 years after "The Fall", Roy is still doing stunts but his shark stunt lands him back in the hospital. Wheelchair bound, Roy meets a young woman who was recently in a car accident with a broken collar bone. He starts telling her a story. Unknown to him, that woman was once a little girl with a broken arm and no front teeth. Will Roy recognize Alexandria after all these years?

  • A Father's Plea

    Upon the battlefield of Dale, Thranduil seeks desperately for some sign of his beloved son. But with every step he takes, the Elvenking finds his hope fading. He pleads to the Valar for Legolas' safe return, and vows vengeance upon any who might have taken his precious Greenleaf's life.

  • Inquisitive Hobbits Want To Know

    Merry and Pippin wonder just why Legolas can walk on the snow, and it goes without saying why he also couldn't carry them in it. Aragorn attempts to explain, but the attempt backfires on the Ranger and Legolas gets the last laugh with a story from Estel's childhood. Written for the April 2014 Teitho Challenge (but it did not place).

  • A Toast To The Sea!

    How did Jack and Gibbs manage to get back out to sea after recovering the Pearl's bottle? A ferryman their savior may be but not one to be ferrying the living. Small one-shot that I just couldn't get out of my head today after finally seeing POTC4.

  • Úthaes in Dúnedain: Temptation of the West Men

    Boromir begins to hear the whisperings of the Ring and Aragorn starts to worry what will come of it. While the Ranger and his Elven friend scout on the banks of the Anduin, Legolas confides in Estel that he too has heard the Ring's whispers. Temptation, it seems, is all about them. Written for the Feb 2014 Teitho Challenge (but it did not place).