
  • Just Once More?

    2p!Romacest (RomanoX2p!Romano, FlavioXLovino) They did try not to have sex...but it didn't last very long. They just couldn't resist each other. That's how they were. (Smut)

  • A Chunk of Crappy FrUk Oneshots

    FrUk for a friend's birthday that's a month late. Oh well, le YOLO. FrancexEngland, FrUk, whatever you want to call it. None of them are related to each other. Prompts are useful.

  • Repent For Your Sins Torture Arc

    Past! Dennor, maybe other pairings in the future. Lukas is being tormented by a man whose face he cannot see. But all he has to do is endure...he's just paying for his sins. ((Character death, insanity, etc)) First part of the Insanity chapters; the 'Torture Arc.'

  • The Confused Life of Artie Kirkland

    ((Misleading title, bad summary)) Arthur Kirkland was having a normal life...that was, until he realised his best friend might not have been who he had thought. Had he fallen in love with the wrong twin? Which one was he supposed to like? (MapleTea, UsUk, complete for now b/coz lazy author)

  • The First Thing You Notice

    It's strange how even though a puzzle has the same image, the pieces can all be different. Such is life. [EriSol]

  • Not Beyond Repair

    Caught in the middle of a homicide spree, Karkat has to learn to live without his sight, and learn what happened the night he lost it. Gamzee, on the other hand, has other plans up his sleeves. ((Bad summary- GamKat, JohnKat, Dave/Terezi, etc.))

  • Login Error

    Login was successful. Welcome, Lukas Bondevik, to Fanfiction Central. ((Will be updated every FIVE reviews, NorIce))

  • Dreams of A Vague Reality

    Sometimes we remember things we're not supposed to. Sometimes we open doors we're not meant to. Sometimes, as with Gilbert, Lovino, Matthew and Francis, the door is opened for us...and then it all goes to hell. ((Bad things. Very bad things. Eventual PruCan & Framano))

  • Up To My Five Meters In Prumano

    Collection of moderately short and badly-written one shots about Prussia and Romano. Crack, smut, romance, horror, I accept all requests for a story line. Even a song gives me inspiration.

  • An Artist's Dream

    Well, to be honest, Canada was hot, and nice to paint. Romano couldn't help it- in fact, it was America's fault for trying to set them up. ((RomaCan, Romanada, CanMano, whatever you want to call it))

  • Better Left Unsolved

    So he's been outside the office block his boyfriend was /supposedly/ at, and there's no sign of him. Is this some kind of conspiracy or is Arthur just going out for icecream? ((Implied UsUk, punk!England))

  • Cracks In The Ceiling

    No one likes facing up to the truth. And Gilbert knew he was real, that he existed. But the darkness was still pulling him down. And Francis couldn't do anything about it. ((Character death, implied FraPru))

  • Just A Spell

    Hetalia/Nyotalia crossover. Engmano. Somehow Arthur had managed to bring over both his and Lovino's female counterparts...and it was chaos. ((Foursome Engmano, Engmano, Nyo!Engmano))

  • Before I Come Undone

    If you've done bad things, and people try to help, what are you to do? What do you do when they love you against all the odds stacked? ((PrUk, badly written, weird))

  • Where Is My Mind?

    ItaPan. Great title, bad fic. Feliciano woke up disoriented...and all he could see was this girl. He knew her name...maybe. ((Fem!Japan))

  • My --- Is Cold

    When Francis suggested they start doing it in other places, Lovino wasn't expecting to get his vital regions frozen off. Well, at least they weren't in a freezer...right? Except if they were in a freezer HE WOULDN'T SEE ELIZAVETA WATCHING THEM. ((Heavy Framano))

  • Scars Don't Heal

    Even if someone tries to help, you can still get pulled down into the darkness. And sometimes you end up dragging down someone with you. ((FrUk, hinted character death, past SpUk, Spamano))

  • Going Under

    Base urges are hard to deny. Desire is even harder. And Lovina didn't realise who she should be chasing...until he saved her. ((Spamano-ish. Mentions of Framano, FrUk, MonaSeyUk))

  • Everybody's Fool

    Sometimes the darkness in our hearts stays hidden. Sometimes other people find it. And sometimes it has consequences. ((EnglandxItaly, EngIta, ItaUK, etc. Mentions of Spamano and FrUS))

  • The 20 Conquests Of Fem Prussia

    Nyotalia and Hetalia. ((Made up of requests, please make one!)) Julchen Beilscmidt, or Prussia has a mission. A very awesome mission. America has decreed she has to collect 20 countries' phone numbers. Will she realise she's not as charmingly awesome as she thought? Or will her pushy attitude get her to the top? ((May contain smut later))