Don't touch my Seaweed Brain

  • Six

    It should have been him. Drabbleish-poetry.

  • I Walk Alone

    Ralph deals with the aftermath of his personal war on the island.

  • In The Time Of Our Lives

    From beginning to end, untold stories in the universe of Percy Jackson. Some will be canon, canonesque, and some will be completely AU. Written as a goodbye before The Blood of Olympus.

  • For If You Could See What I've Become

    Sequel to ISHBM (YOU MUST READ THAT FIRST). In the aftermath of a battle at Camp Half Blood, Percy and Annabeth are forced farther and farther apart by Kronos's forces that have somehow wormed their way into Camp Half Blood. Our two heroes must stay closer than ever to survive.

  • If I Stay

    "They won't let me die. But I'm coming, Sherlock. I promise I'm coming." "Oh, John." Post Fall AU.

  • Too Much Hope

    John, a Moroi prince has fled from St. Vladimir's with his Guardian, Sherlock Holmes to escape the crushing burden that their bond and everything that comes with it has placed on him. When they are found and brought back to the Academy, Sherlock discovers that there are sinister forces, Strigoi, stalking the grounds and trying to get in. How will he save John from everything evil?

  • To Be Seen

    As he walked away, resolved, John Winchester didn't look back to hear the screams of the black and white boy across the dark, dark halls. He couldn't look back, not like that, not at his son, not at the new experiment. AU. Rating because of Language and content.