Limitless Musings

  • Eternity

    Obey Me x Inuyasha. Diavolo/Kagome. Tales of old once said that the power of foresight was something to be treasured, but to Kagome it was little more than a curse. One that she was more than willing to use to her advantage.

  • Dearest

    Obey Me Crossover. Diavolo/Kagome. It wasn't death that scared her. What terrified her the most was the idea of losing herself. It was the monster within the mirror that she feared.

  • Hell

    Of all the things in the world, Naraku never expected the Shikon to have such a twisted sense of humor.

  • Clandestine Light

    One-shot. Itachi/Kagome. They were family. It didn't matter what happened. It was her duty to see that they were safe.