
  • Carry On Consulting TARDIS

    This is actually a SuperWhoLock, but this site wont let me add more. This fic will include Violet, who is Mary and John's Baby, the Ponds, the Doctor, River, Sam, Crowely, Moriarty, the Master, Mrs. Hudson, Mycroft, Lestrade, Molly, and Bobby.

  • Howlers

    What would James and Lily say to Harry after finding out about the Whomping Willow during Second Year. Harry's Parents are alive and well, and so is Sirius and Remus.

  • 300 Years Without You

    After the Fall, Sherlock comes home to find John dead. To keep Sherlock from killing himself, Mycroft wraps him up in a government project that extends his life. However, living all that time without John drives him mad and he becomes Khan.