
  • Alohomora Duo: A Collection of Oneshots

    Alohomora Duo! Unlock a collection of drabbles that features any of the character from our Harry Potter world! All drabbles are AU, unless mentioned. Written for any challenges I participate, mainly Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Challenges & Assignments)

  • Will you marry me Miss Weasley?

    Oneshot. Harry proposes to Ginny in front of ever weasley.

  • Prank during career advice

    A prank has been planned by Fred, George and Lee. Hermione will stop it for sure! Does Hermione stop them, or does something else happen? Written for astronomy assignment of Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.

  • Augustus Rookwood

    Life of Augustus Rookwood in 432 words. Hope it is good.

  • People can do magic?

    Oneshot and very short. Abigail Waters sees a girl performing magic.

  • A Short Day With The Cousins

    Scorpius and Rose are with Rose's cousins for a day! A short piece filled with just nonsense of the Potter-Weasley-Malfoy.

  • The Rebirth: A Demon

    "Time has passed, lives have changed. Each one of us has taken birth again. We meet again, Molly Weasley. You are Molly Weasley in every aspect, except for your name, Katherine." he said each word carefully.

  • Flying In The League

    Oneshots written for The Quidditch League FanFiciton Competition.

  • Ink Bottle Saves Life

    As the summary says. Really silly, read at risk ;)

  • Graduation Gift

    Harry, Ron, Draco, Ginny, Luna and Hermione are taking a road trip! How does the first day go?

  • Baby Baby

    Sienna Zabini sings her 5th husband a song at their honeymoon. Implied sexual intercourse. Read with warnings please.

  • Christmas 2000

    Hermione's Christmas in 2000.

  • Wallowing In The Past

    Sirius remembers: the things James used to do. Remus arrives at the scene and sets Sirius right. It was not his fault, he ought not to wallow in self pity.

  • You, Me & The Horsey

    Draco takes Hermione on a horse riding date! All goes well until the end, what exactly happens? AU

  • Marry Me, Rose

    Scorpius proposes to Rose. Rose is overjoyed but also feels a different feeling, one that is not related to happiness at all! What is it? Why does she feel it?

  • Meeting You

    10 events that connect Draco and Hermione's life. Watch how from hating each other, Draco and Hermione fall in love. 10 best memories of Draco Lucius Malfoy.

  • The One He Will Yearn For

    A new prophecy is uncovered. New roles are discovered. Decisions are to be made: To save the world or destroy it? The fate of the world lies in the hands of one single person. Three guesses to who is that. One clue: It's not Harry, Ron or Draco.

  • Let the world say and think whatever it wants

    This was just too much for Hermione Jean Granger. A scheme between her and Ron (which is just not a scheme) and a new class which is too hectic! Good god! But then, Hermione starts receiving letters, and what not from a stranger. But can the golden trio have a peaceful year? No! Maybe falling in love will help relieve the tension? Remember, a lot can happen in 1 week.

  • Wrapped With Unthinkables

    It was a perfectly normal day if you didn't count Malfoy being a head, being hit with a fusion of spells and what not. "It seems that you have been hit with a fusion of magnetic spell, legllimency and shield charm. The shield charm enveloped these two spells, yes, but the spell had some major faults and when they collided with you both, they attached themselves to you."

  • Together In Every Step Of Life: Philosopher's Stone

    10 years, ago, they survived. Harry does not know how, but hopes to know soon. Follow the adventures of Harry Potter, Jasper Black, Draco Whitemoon, Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger in their first year. 1st book from 7 books.