
  • The Bird of Hermes

    There is a secret in Hogwarts. One that has been carefully guarded by Headmaster Dumbledore, and Headmaster Dippett before him. One inextricably linked to Lord Voldemort's fear of death, though the latter couldn't explain it himself if he wanted to. Used ideas from two other worlds, but saw no point in putting this in crossovers as they aren't material. Rated for Violence

  • Lay of Thrym

    Skwisgaar has twin siblings, Huginn and Muninn. They play in a melodic rock band, with alternative instruments. Skwisgaar hates the idea. Even worse, his brother is faster on violin than he is on guitar. Result? The duel... Rated for mild violent themes.

  • The Angel's Trumpet

    Potions is rather similar to cooking, when you get down to it, and Harry can brew something very obscure when desperate enough. Rated T for the third word spoken.

  • Ghosts and Geists

    One-shot: Binns takes points, Hermione Reads a book, and Harry runs a race against Peeves. History class is once again properly in session. (Rated for coarse language)

  • Plus One

    Another one-shot by request. Goku got someone pregnant, by accident. No, really! Nothing happens, safe for all readers.

  • Eternity in the palm of your hand

    Another request, this time a smutfic from the mass effect universe, exploring the interesting aspects of drell memories. Warning: This really is nothing but smut, and graphic at that. CAVEAT EST

  • Expediency

    Sometimes I read bad harry childhoods and think things would just be so much better if someone would shoot certain people. Completed unless I'm convinced to off more people.

  • Darkness in Sanctuary

    The dark wanderer is crossing the world of Sanctuary, leaving a trail of darkness and devastation in his wake. From a world unknown two heroes are drawn into the quest to save the world, but many wonder just what repercussions their arrival will cause. Self-insert fic, rated for language and violent scenes.

  • Jitterbug

    Another smutfic by request. Leo likes to tinker and build magical constructs, one of them is a bit too literal in what it accepts as orders. Rated for pure smut and language.

  • My, what a big nose you have!

    Little one-shot I wrote a while back per request, because Snape is not a complete arsehole and deserves some love too. Rated for naughty situations, though not explicit.