
  • they say you can't go home again

    Santana and Rachel attend their ten year high school reunion. A FaberryCon Fundraiser fic, albeit a Pezberry story.

  • if you try sometimes you just might find

    An AU in which Santana and Rachel get together in high school, only to find staying together once they make it to New York is harder than being together in Lima ever was. And then there's Quinn, making everything harder. And easier. Pezberry into Faberry, a FaberryCon Fundraiser Fic.

  • hope to find new ways of quenching your thirst

    Rachel decides that she will confess her love for Quinn at Mr Schue's wedding, but Quinn is all over Santana. The morning after finds a broken Rachel and a confused Quinn. A FaberryCon Fundraiser fic.

  • a little fall of rain

    Quinn Fabray was nineteen when she realized she couldn't die, twenty-four when she figured out that she'd stopped aging completely. Rachel Berry was twenty-six when she learned she only had one year left to live; the next day, she met Quinn. A FaberryCon Fundraiser Fic.

  • just this heart with much too much to share

    After Elsa's winter, there are plenty of repairs to be made-both physical and emotional. As Anna relearns her sister and gets closer to Kristoff, she finds life is actually stranger and more wonderful than even she could imagine, once she meets the royal couple of Corona. Eventual Kristoff/Anna/Rapunzel/Eugene ot4 situation, but with lots of adorableness along the way.

  • Not Exactly Valentines

    Because really, the first love letter Lily Evans ever sent to James Potter was a detention slip.

  • She

    Ginny Weasley, he finds, simply defies definition.

  • Boy Meets Girl

    Michael Corner didn't think he was going to have any fun at the Yule Ball. He was pleasantly surprised.