Encrypted Snowflake

  • Carefree

    Massie Block is the rich, popular alpha of OCD who always cares about beauty. Luxe Taylor is a style-less b-lister who couldn't care less about it. When the two of them met, Massie made an oath to turn that LBR into a beauty queen. However, it's not that easy. Little by little, the alpha feels her talents slipping away, leaving her questioning if she really wants to lead after all.

  • Caught in the Middle

    "I've always wanted to go to Equestria and live a life like Twilight Sparkle's." Be careful what you wish for, 'cause you just might get it. When a teenage girl ends up in a darker, scarier Equestria, her goals quickly shift from staying forever to getting out alive.

  • Obliteration

    Four years after the events that led to the Hunger Games, a particularly hopeful youth embarks on his journey. He plans to win-but with twenty-three other tributes, seven persistent mutts, six psychotic gamemakers, and only one pokemon in his team, it's going to be harder than he could have ever dreamt. Follow Ash and nine other tributes as they try to win the games.