
  • Mistakes affect your life

    After a wild party, the Mane 6 and others find themselves in rather unfortunate predicaments. Pregnancies, ditched responsibilities, drinking, implied sex, suicidal thoughts. You've been warned. Rated T for now, but could possibly go to M later.

  • The Champion

    This is based off of a Boxer AU that originated from the great mind that is tapeworm-draws-stuff on tumblr. It's basically the trials that the Crystal family face in society and in the ring.

  • The Switch

    After a terrible car crash, Finn and Fionna Humun lose their memories. While trying to remember who they are they switch lifes and instead of being themselves they mistake their identities for the other. Will they be able to go back? Or are they forever stuck? Read to find out. Contains: Finnshall, Fiogum, Bubbline, and Marball

  • The Wedding of Zap and Mistress Mare-volous

    Spike gets an all new comic, and it's entitled "The Disasterous Wedding". Watch as the Mane 6 struggle through family values and crazy villians. Appledash.

  • Welcome to the life of a Wonderbolt

    A humanized AU where the Wonderbolts is an elite Air Force squad. It's Rayne's dream to be one. Watch as Rayne and Jackie explore their friendship and possible romance through the test of time and through trials.

  • Stupid Song

    Basically, Marceline is captain of the Night-o-Sphere's football team. Bonnibel is from Ooo High school, a rival team. Marceline serenades Bonnibel with the song Pigskin by Hollywood Undead and asks her out. Bonnibel's answer leads to a crappy, one-shot smut.