
  • Playing with Fire

    AU world where Stiles is more than he seems and is already in the know about the supernatural. Sterek Fanfic.

  • Stiles' Magical Mishaps

    Series of one shots about Stiles and the messes he might end up in if he was magical. PM me if you have an idea for a one shot. Will probably contain mostly Sterek. Might be nice to get some Scira or Scallison. Happy to include any others people want though.

  • Deity Drama

    This fanfiction is an AU where Stiles is a completely different person. Derek ran away after Paige's death and the Hale fire never happened. Upon meeting Stiles Derek's life got progressively better culminating in a desire to return home. Stiles has his own reasons for wanting to visit Beacon Hills. Sterek from the beginning.

  • Pack Meetings

    So this is sort of a one shot thing. This is sort of background stuff to to with the lore around the supernatural. Hope it will be quite interesting for most people. Will run along side my teen wolf episode stories.

  • Hell Hath No Fury

    A new threat descends on Beacon Hills just as the dynamic of the groups gets thrown into chaos. How will the pack endure through the tough times ahead. Lots of relationships are involved in this. Rated M for language and sexual content.

  • Endless Torment

    Follow on story from 'Pack against Pack'. Stiles is in a coma and slowly seems to be getting worse. How will everyone deal with it?

  • Pack Against Pack

    Follow on from 'Stiles' True Nature'. Stiles has developed even further magical abilities and a new pack of werewolves arrive in Beacon Hills. They have come for Derek Hale. Developments for Sterek.

  • Stile's True Nature

    This is how I would love to see Stiles develop in any additional seasons. Think he would be so badass! Please leave me reviews with your comments. :-) This is my first Sterek fan fiction. I hope you all enjoy it.

  • The New Alpha Pack

    Set in an AU where the alpha pack is defeated. Stiles develops a magical gift, a new alpha pack rises and the werewolf world is crumbling. Can the pack save the day again? I suck at Summaries. Slow burn for a lot of my favourite relationships.

  • Please don't say you love me

    One-shot. Based on the song 'Please don't say you love me' by Gabrielle Aplin.

  • Beacon Hills School for the Gifted

    Set in an AU where the pack are all at private school together. This is will contain a lot of popular relationships not just Sterek.

  • Returning Halliwell

    AU. Chris begins to get his memories back at the age of fifteen. Unable to handle being around his family he runs away. Seven years passes when accidently their paths cross. How will he and his family cope? On HIATUS AWAITING INSPIRATION.

  • Weird and Wonderful Lives

    Follow the lives of Chris and Wyatt as they approach adult hood. Contains strong language, child death and sexual themes.

  • Road To Recovery

    Follow on from 'Hell Hath no Fury'. Stiles and the pack try to help Cora and Derek recover from their tradgic past. Stiles goes overboard again, worse than ever before. 'M' Rating for language.