Satan Abraham

  • American Elation

    They've made it to America and, unsurprisingly, the first thing that Shuuya wants to do is find a record store. [shuriko] [oneshot] [post-program] [book/manga verse]

  • Horrible Bodyguard

    Jason Grace was a little skeptical of this new 'bodyguard' who was supposed to accompany him to college. [part-bodyguard AU, part-college AU] [valgrace/jasleo/leason/whatever] [oneshot]

  • The Bet

    Yoshitoki Kuninobu was going to win that bet. [oneshot] [cute fun and happy no death here folks] [onesided nobu/noriko] [novel/manga!verse]

  • Experimenting

    Edilio approaching him without the intent to make him go do something dangerous was weird enough, but the actual request was even weird by FAYZ standards. [oneshot] [edilio/howard] [implied howard/orc]

  • Savagely Vivid Dreams

    He woke up on the plane. It had just been a dream. All a dream. Just... a dream. [oneshot] [non-island au] [or is it]

  • Die For You

    "I'd - if I needed to, I'd die for you." [shinji/keita] [movie!verse because it's the only verson that iijima's not a coward] [oneshot]

  • Long Walk Country

    McVries wasn't quite sure how going into Long Walk country for a vacation was a good idea when he was, you know, sulking about not being picked. But anywhere was better than New Jersey. [only-eleven-backups-needed-au] [slight gavries] [oneshot] [rated t for swearing]

  • Making A Move

    Kiyotaka Ishimaru and Mondo Oowada sat directly across from each other, neither of them making a move. [ishimondo] [oneshot] [rated t for swearing]

  • Grocery Shopping and Coffee Dates

    Running into old friends is always fun. [naeishi] [non-despair au] [oneshot]

  • The Nice Ones

    "You're too nice for your own good, Naegi. You're so naïve. You're the one that the heroine rejects because she wants someone better, someone not so mousy and small and someone who doesn't follow her around like a dog. The best friend." [fukawa/naegi] [oneshot]

  • Laughter

    There was nobody more full of hate than her. [ishifuka] [oneshot]

  • Post-Workout Meals

    Finding food has never been so difficult. [oneshot] [no despair is going on]

  • Eloping to North Dakota

    You always walk alongside the Walkers for a few miles. This time, though, there's one that interests you more than other years. [reader x barkovitch] [oneshot] [rated t for language]

  • Showers

    Because, as hard as he scrubs, he's pretty sure he's never going to be clean again. [lloyd-centric] [oneshot]

  • Shades of Blue

    Haru needs help picking out a new color of paint for his bedroom, and for once, Makoto isn't two feet behind him. [slight rinharu] [oneshot]

  • Tickle Fight

    Sasha Braus hates being ticklish. [sasha/connie] [oneshot]

  • Real Boyfriend

    You know, it's hard getting over the guy you made out with in abandoned houses. But there's no way it really ever could have lasted, not when someone like The Artful Roger existed. [howard/edilio] [implied onesided howard/orc] [roger/edilio] [rated t for language]

  • Screw

    Because he had a problem, and even his normal ways of distracting himself, of clearing his head, weren't working. But that was the funny thing about it, wasn't it? He didn't get crushes, and when he did he could get rid of them, but not this time. [multichapter] [manga!verse] [shinji-centric] [non-program au]

  • Family Relations

    Sirius' family is... weird. [oneshot] [marauders] [little baby just-finished-first-year james and sirius] [idek man] [idek]

  • Essentially Murder Academy

    Your name is Jane Crocker and you think that there is something strange about this school. [school life of mutual killing au] [alpha kids/dancestor trolls] [multichapter]