Satan Abraham

  • Baby Steps

    One question Lee Jordan doesn't quite know the answer to - how, exactly, are you supposed to talk to someone who's lost their twin brother? [oneshot] [rated t for language] [hey look at this i'm experimenting with writing styles that i don't normally do]

  • Pointers

    Angelina Johnson wishes that he'd get the idea that she could manage her own Quidditch team. [oneshot]

  • Lost Chances

    Marcus Flint tells Higgs he's off the team. [oneshot] [rated t for language]

  • Marking Up

    It had been going fairly well, having Yutaka as a partner for the project. But all good things must come to an end. [no program going on] [rated t for language] [oneshot]

  • Personalized Derogatory Nicknames

    He hadn't been planning on it, but there was no harm in messing with Barkovitch for a little bit, right? [oneshot] [rated t for language]

  • Finding Hiroki

    He'd invited her to this, so why was she having such a hard time finding him? [new years oneshot] [no programs man] [slight onesided takako/hiroki?] [some implied onesided hiroki/kotohiki & pretty explicit onesided takiguchi/souma] [book/manga!verse. there's shinji, so we'll just call it manga!verse]

  • The Program

    The Program - where a class of students is sent to a remote location to kill each other off, or, in other words, a Battle Royale. This time, it's the kids from Hope's Peak. [battle royale au] [multichapter]

  • Gift Hunting

    Noriko's birthday is coming up, and Shuuya has no idea what to get her. [shuriko] [oneshot] [no program going on here folks] [manga!verse, probably. or book!verse]

  • Shy and Painfully Awkward

    They've grown close. [gundam/chihiro] [nsfw] [oneshot] [pre-despair]

  • Will You?

    Proposing is hard. [ishimondo] [rated t for language] [oneshot] [the most ridiculous thing i have ever written]

  • The Difference Between Michael and a Bandit

    Nearly drowning can bring awkwardness, and bad jokes at one's expense. [michael/fisk] [oneshot]

  • Alone Time

    Every guy needs his alone time, right? And walking beside Barkovitch wasn't that bad when he wasn't talking. [slight garraty/barkovitch] [oneshot] [rated t for language]

  • Contact Under Fire

    All Hajime Hinata had wanted was a nice, relaxing day away from all of this. Except... that never happened. [soul friends] [oneshot] [rated t for language]

  • Worst

    Nope. Nope, Roland was still the worst. [oneshot] [rated t for language] [roland/eddie if you really squint and then turn your head a little bit and have tears blurring your vision]

  • Rules of Mistletoe

    "Do the rules of mistletoe apply on Halloween, too?" [ishimondo] [halloween party hooray] [no mutual killing at all] [rated t for language]

  • Bedsheet Ghost

    Costumes were hard sometimes, but being with someone you liked mad the fact that you were dressed as a bedsheet ghost a little nicer. [nanamiki] [oneshot] [there's like no killing and they're on the island and it's halloween it's just a fun time]

  • American Holidays

    The Americans liked their holidays, and one thing they seemed to go all out on was Halloween. [shuriko] [post-program] [book/manga!verse] [oneshot]

  • Shields

    For a moment, most of his shields were down. [howard/edilio] [oneshot] [rated t for language]

  • Dead Silence

    After coming to America, Noriko has joined a creative writing class. [twoshot] [post-program] [book/manga!verse]

  • Autographed Books

    Kiyotaka Ishimaru's mother loves Fukawa's novels. [ishifuka] [oneshot] [non/pre-despair]