Ciel Leon

  • Change of Heart, Change of Mind

    The World is what we make it, so what happens to the Wizarding World when three select people come together ready to shake the very foundations that created the corrupt world. What can an ex-Golden Boy a Dark Lord and a strange new Wand Maker do? AU/Yaoi

  • Mirror Struck

    Harry James Potter was a stillborn in the physical plane, but in the spiritual plan he is a soul fated to roam through the realm of mirrors, but he manages to learn from an unexpected Hogwarts student how to wield magic, and also falls in love with the person he would have been fated to kill had he been born alive. Eventual LVTMR/HP Rating will rise later on.

  • World on Fire

    Being a demon and becoming one are two different things. Finding a demon inside of him, Harry discovers in death that he has become one. The Haakai are the most powerful, the most dangerous. A 21 year old Tom Riddle, who has just began his reign of terror has dabbled into the art of Summoning- unleashing Arturo, the demon of magic, and Harry himself. Possible LVHP

  • Lapsus

    Forced into cleaning out the cold case office, L Lawliet is reminded of a case he saw years ago that was classified as 'unsolved'. It's his bad luck that once he finds the case file, he doesn't want to give it up, even upon being fired. On the other-hand, the situation shines some light on Light Yagami's situation. L/Light 'It's Hard to be a Fallen Angel' Reboot.

  • Contagious: The Ideas

    This is a Plot Bunny Collection, anything my mind has conjured up for writing that hasn't progressed any farther as of yet is here, feel free to take a gander and maybe adopt one of these rampaging bunnies, please just notify me if you do! Anything from Avengers to Harry Potter to Brave, and Crossovers galore. Most are in Chapter format, some may just be summaries.