

  • Like A Switch Has Been Flicked Somewhere

    AU from Shelagh leaving the Order. What if Shelagh had joined the Nonnatuns in their vigil? What if she had stayed living at Nonnatus House

  • Cold

    Why is Shelagh annoyed? And why are the Nonnatuns about to get a glimpse into Turner domestics? Just a silly little oneshot based upon a prompt on imagineyourotp.

  • Keeping Warm

    If your car breaks down in the middle of a snowstorm there's only one thing to do..right?

  • Something Wonderful

    Set in 2.6. What if the first set of tests in the hospital, before Sister Bernadette entered the Sanatorium, had flagged up another issue. One that will change her life forever? Definitely AU

  • Reality Is Wonderful

    What is Timothy hadn't got in Patrick's car in 2.8. What if it was just Patrick and Shelagh on the misty road, not bound by prying eyes or awkward questions.

  • Collision

    Just a quick oneshot set after Angela is adopted. Sister Julienne and Timothy collide. And Sister Julienne is in for a shock

  • Jubilee Joy

    What happened after the camera panned off the party in 3.5? And how will it change The Turners forever?

  • Parenthood

    Immediately following the exit of Mrs Ellaby and Jenny with baby Carole in 3.3. We saw Patrick begin to comfort Shelagh but what happened after that? Just a silly little drabble I churned out

  • The Ones Worth Suffering For

    Shelagh deals with her feelings towards the nurses This is a sequel to my earlier story Superwoman but I preferred it as a self contained story as it has it's own story. I'm rambling. I'll post now.

  • The Road

    Shelagh walks down the misty road alone and cold

  • Three Is A Magic Number

    Will an unexpected phone call change the Turner family dynamic once more?

  • Superwoman

    Patrick comes home one night to an unexpected sight.

  • Bedside

    What the Christmas Special didn't show. The first 24 hours of Timothy's hospital incarceration. From the prompt: Patrick goes to the hospital to visit Timothy during his illness.

  • Jealousy

    Response to a prompt on Tumblr Shelagh gets jealous because all the woman in the clinic are constantly looking at and flirting with Patrick, due to DTE in full force. Featuring Bold!Shelagh and Shelagh/Trixie bonding

  • One Morning

    What did the piggies do one morning in the Turners bedroom?

  • 100 Word Fics

    An ongoing collection of (mostly) 100 word fanfictions as inspired by the wonderful Sara-Wrote-This/Writergal85. A mix of AU and canon

  • A Too Late Proposal and Needless Kidnapping Will Have To Suffice

    A continuation of Patrick and Shelagh walking out of the Khatun home in 4.5. Spoilers for that episode.

  • An Equitable Arrangement

    Missing/continued scene from 4.5. What happened between Shelagh appearing at Nonnatus House and the store room scene? Spoilers for 4.5

  • Patrick Turner's Valentine's Days

    Valentine's Day had always been important to Patrick Turner

  • Romantic Car Chases Are Overrated Anyways

    What if Chummy hadn't have interrupted the phone call in 2.8? What if Sister Bernadette and Doctor Turner managed to finish their conversation?