

  • Talking It Out

    Set during 2.7. Patrick talks to the one person who will never judge him for what he's done...his mother. Written in the early hours of the morning so any mistakes are due to that

  • Affairs Of The Heart

    What if the adoption letter hadn't arrived? What if Patrick had not seen sense after talking to Chummy's mother? What if the situation at home had only gotten worse and worse? AU. Set post/during 3.8

  • Comfort

    Just a little drabble following on from Sister Evangelina and Shelaghs talk in the garden in 3.5. To me it just seem a bit quick.

  • Proving It

    What if Shelagh had, as in the Christmas Special, withdrawn from her Nonnatus family but instead of it festering the Nonnatuns had fought back? Slightly AU as a result

  • Anatomy

    Why doesn't Patrick want Shelagh to drive today?

  • Familial Growth

    How did the adoption talk go with Patrick after Shelagh's talk with Sister Evangelina in Familial Relations?

  • A Christmas Present To Remember

    Old secret Santa fanfiction I found that was written for alljustletters A Christmas present changes the lives of the Eighth Doctor and Charley forever

  • Familial Relations

    Set during 3.5 and slightly AU from Sister Evangelina's confrontation with Shelagh regarding the Jubilee. First attempt at a Call The Midwife Fanfiction