Sassy Girl

  • Never Let Go

    A haunted past catches up to the newest member of the Ghost Adventures Crew. She is left with two options: Tell her friends what she experienced that frightful night in September or run in hopes that she could forget. -Ghost Adventures-

  • A Second Chance

    The Battle of Five Armies was brutal and fierce. Many fell and many were wounded. Victory was on their side. The king under the mountain had fallen to his injuries. In order to save the life of the stubborn dwarf, Gandalf sends the Brown Wizard to fetch a healer that knew how to heal these wounds of his. The questions is, will she do it? Time is wasting to save the King of Erebor.

  • Forbidden Possession: Sequel to Stay With Me

    In order to connect with the spirits of forbidden love, Zak Bagans takes the advice and calls on Lilly Coleman; the girl he can't forget.

  • These Dreams

    In her dreams she can see what's going to happen long before it does. For the past month a mysterious man graces her dreams as she tries to save him over and over, always losing him in the end. -Ghost Adventures- Full Summary Inside

  • Stay With Me

    An unexpected connection between Lilly and Zak Bagans will leave their hearts wanting more. And with more comes something even more intense than they both ever saw coming. -Ghost Adventures-