Sub-Atomic Grape

  • Lies

    Shionne learns that she has a talent for lying to herself. It all comes to a critical point in Pelegion.

  • Lost To The Waves

    The sea delivers strange things to the tides of Ylisse, and the sailors who patrol the island nation's borders. One of them is an amnesiac woman named Robin, who lands in the company of Chrom and his ship, the Shepherd. With an ancient power stirring beneath the waves, and a lost link between Ylisse and the ocean depths, a growing love between them is the least of their worries!

  • Crown of Fangs

    A prince, a shapeshifter, and an ancient wild magic that unites them both.

  • Strays Don't Sleep

    At night, people who don't stay indoors become monsters, hunters, or victims. A handful of teens have the bad luck of falling outside of those categories. Either way they aren't normal any longer, and they don't have much in the way choices when the moon is full. Instead, they must try to find their way in a strange world as a pack.