Book girl fan

  • Earning Forgiveness

    Cassandra finds that not everyone forgives as easily as Rapunzel.

  • Old Habits Die Hard

    In the aftermath of a vision, ten years away will not stop Pepa looking after her little brother.

  • Drowning Sorrows

    A day on the river proves that unfortunately, not everybody likes Mole.

  • Little Siblings

    Bruno finds a crying Luisa, upset because the older girls won't play with her.

  • I Know What I Saw

    For a moment, Julieta looks at her daughter and sees her brother. Crossposted from AO3.

  • Let Nothing You Dismay

    My stories for Hades Lord of the Dead's December Challenge of Awesomeness 2021!

  • Lonely Dreams

    "It's always scarier when you're alone."

  • Ice Cream and Secrets

    There are many kinds of friendship.

  • A Lack of Restful Hope

    Sometimes, we're all just tired.

  • What's Coming Will Come

    Life after school is always hard to think about. It's even harder if you're a werewolf.

  • In The Darkest Of Times

    In dark times, Remus is losing hope. Sometimes, you need a friend to turn on the light. Set during OotP.

  • The Cost of Betrayal

    Remus Lupin died in Azkaban, betrayer of the Potters and murderer of Peter Pettigrew. Sirius Black raises Harry Potter. One day, the story changes.

  • We Start To Fall Apart

    "We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided."

  • The Height of Dishonour

    There's a spy inside the order, and James is no longer willing to hold his friends in question.

  • Downs We Go

    The trip to Watership Down, after escaping Sandleford Orphanage.

  • The Sustenance Deficiency

    Sheldon is caught up in a new project, and Leonard is worried.